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Welcome to our Store

Davis International will shortly be launching a single brand for all of its programs and workshops.  This page is due to be redesigned soon. In the meantime, please browse our store for our high quality digital downloadable resources. We are open for business as usual!


Davis® Auditory Orientation:

The "Ting"  

Ron Davis specifically engineered this Ting sound to help each individual to develop accurate, stable perception. This technique can greatly enhance a person's ability to maintain a calm state of focus.


The Ting is an essential component of all Davis Programs.

IMPORTANT: Davis® Auditory Orientation© must be used under the guidance of a Davis Facilitator. It is crucial that the Ting is listened to through headphones only. Please consult your Davis Facilitator for advice on how to use this sound to its maximum benefit.



Davis® Tools for Helper

This audio package supports caregivers in managing their own self-regulation and fostering co- regulation while working with their child/student. Two strategies are covered: these tools are called ‘Release’ and ‘Dial’. 

You will be guided through each strategy in an easy-to-follow way that will have you becoming the master of your stress and energy levels in no time.

Note: These audio tools are streamed and are available to you for one year from purchase.



​Davis Autism Approach®

Concept of Change Video 

The Concept of Change video is ideal viewing for the autistic individual’s support person.  It can be viewed after the coaching you receive from your Facilitator in the concept of change, to give you that extra layer of knowledge before taking your loved one through the concept.  Alternatively, if your Facilitator has already taken your loved one through the concept of change, it will give you added insight to enable you to help them experience ‘change' in their daily life.  If you have attended a workshop, it is a wonderful review.

Note: This video is streamed, and is available to you for three months from purchase.



Davis® Stepping Stones Manual

This digital manual guides you through each step of the Stepping Stones Program in a clear, easy-to-follow format.


For maximum benefit, contact your nearest Davis Facilitator for mentor support.

The manual is accompanied by Davis® Auditory Orientation sound

IMPORTANT: Davis® Auditory Orientation© must be listened to through headphones only. Please consult your Davis Facilitator for advice on how to use this sound to its maximum benefit.



Davis® Stepping Stones

Concept of Change Video 


When you are ready to cover the concept of change with your child, this video shows you exactly what to do, step-by-step.  It is packed full with ideas of how to experience change with your child in everyday life. 

The video on change is a wonderful complement to the Stepping Stones manual.

Note:  This video is streamed, and is available to you for three months from purchase.



Als je er klaar voor bent om het concept verandering met je kind te ontdekken, dan laat deze video je stap voor stap zien wat je precies moet doen. Het zit vol met ideeën over hoe je in het dagelijks leven met je kind verandering kunt ervaren.

De video over verandering is een mooie aanvulling op de Stepping Stones handleiding.

Notitie: Deze video wordt gestreamd en is voor u beschikbaar tot drie maanden na aankoop.



Davis® Stepping Stones Complete Package


This digital package includes:
• Davis® Auditory Orientation
• Stepping Stones manual©   
• Stepping Stones Tools for Helper
• Stepping Stones Change Video©
• Stepping Stones Consequence Video©

Note:  The Tools for Helper and Change Video in this package are streamed. 

IMPORTANT: Davis® Auditory Orientation© must be listened to through headphones only. Please consult your Davis Facilitator for advice on how to use this sound to its maximum benefit.



Davis® Stepping Stones

Concept of Consequence Video 


When you are ready to cover the concept of consequence with your child, this video shows you exactly what to do, step-by-step.  It is packed full with ideas of how to experience consequence with your child in everyday life. 

The video on consequence is a wonderful complement to the Stepping Stones manual.

Note:  This video is streamed, and is available to you for three months from purchase.



Deze handleiding begeleidt je door elke stap van het Stepping Stones programma op een duidelijke, makkelijk te volgen manier. Neem, om er maximaal profijt van te hebben, contact op met uw dichtstbijzijnde Davis Autisme Counselor voor mentorondersteuning.
Bij de handleiding hoort ook de Davis® Auditieve Oriëntatie. Ron Davis heeft dit specifieke geluid speciaal ontworpen om de persoon met ASS te helpen bij het ontwikkelen van accurate waarneming en om bewustzijn van zelf te creëren. Luisteren naar de Davis auditieve oriëntatie is de eerste stap in alle Davis Autisme programma's.


BELANGRIJK: Davis® Auditieve Oriëntatie moet altijd worden geluisterd door een koptelefoon. Raadpleeg de dichtstbijzijnde Davis Autisme Counselor voor richtlijnen over optimaal gebruik van dit geluid.



Autism and the Seeds of Change

by Abigail Marshall with Ronald Dell Davis

An in-depth look the Davis Autism Approach: its history, underlying theory, and the remarkable and heart warming stories of Davis Autism facilitators and the children and adults who they have worked with.
ISBN 13: 9781479373345 ISBN 10: 1479373346
(Createspace, 2012)

​Available at


Out of Autism

by Cathy Dodge-Smith

​As a Davis Autism Facilitator/Coach, as well as parent and grandparent of individuals with ASD, Dodge Smith takes the reader on the journey Out of Autism with her clients, bringing it to life so that the reader gets a clear picture of what actually happens through the Davis Autism Approach. Without ignoring or minimizing the difficulties experienced by individuals with ASD and their families, she provides a positive perspective on how things can be different.

Available at

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Davis®, Davis Autism Approach®, Davis® Stepping Stones, and Davis Concepts for Life® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis & Alice E. Davis, Trustees of the Ronald D. Davis and Alice E. Davis Living Trust, dated June 8, 2017. Professional services described as Davis Autism Approach® or Davis Concepts for Life® may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed by the Ron Davis Autism Foundation.

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